Addval Cumplimiento Tributario de TAX

Tax Compliance

Recognized among the best audit firms in Chile, according to the Leaders League ranking.

Published in El Mercurio, Tuesday, October 31, 2023.

Our Services

Monthly Tax Declaration

• Form 29 • Form 50 • Financial Impact Monitoring • Financial Instruments Control • Sworn Statements 1842 CEEC

Annual Tax Declaration

• Taxable Net Income • Taxable Equity • Record of Business Income • Income Tax Returns • Sworn Statement 1843 CEEC • Individual Income Tax Filing • Periodic Tax Determination (Biannual / Quarterly)

Special Projects

• VAT and Income Tax Consultancy • Additional Tax • Tax Diagnosis • Tax Refunds 27 bis and Export VAT • Corporate Reorganizations • Taxpayer Advocacy • Tax Due Diligence

Transfer Pricing

• Transfer Pricing Study and Tax Returns 1907-1951-1937 • Compliance with Tax Declarations Tax Returns 1907

Monthly Declarations Mensuales

We provide comprehensive support in managing and fulfilling your monthly tax obligations. Our service includes the preparation, filing, and payment of taxes through forms 29 and 50, ensuring compliance with your tax responsibilities and avoiding potential penalties.


Information Review: We verify all purchase and sale records (RCV) and validate the Electronic Tax Documents (DTE) that your company has issued and received, ensuring their proper handling.

Preparation of Form 29 and Form 50: Based on the provided information, we prepare the corresponding forms. This includes calculating the taxes to be paid, such as VAT and any other applicable additional taxes, as well as providing support in the loading and payment of the forms.

Continuous Monitoring and Advisory: Following the submission and payment, we monitor any updates or changes in tax laws that may affect your company.

Annual Tax Declaration

Our goal is to assist you in fulfilling your annual tax obligations. This includes the preparation and filing of the tax declaration through Form 22 and the respective Sworn Statements, ensuring compliance with all current tax laws and regulations.


Information Review: We review all financial and accounting information, including the income and expenses of the respective year, analyzing and evaluating their proper handling according to current regulations.

Preparation of Sworn Statements:: We prepare the Sworn Statements based on the analysis conducted on the income, expenses, investments, and other financial transactions of your company during the respective year that need to be reported through the different sworn statements.

Preparation of Form 22: Based on the provided information and the Sworn Statements, we prepare Form 22. This form is the annual income tax return corresponding to the tax year.

Filing of Sworn Statements and Form 22: We prepare Form 22 and the sworn statements, as well as provide support in uploading them to the SII web portal and in making the payment of the forms or the declaration itself, as applicable.

Continuous Monitoring and Advisory: After submission and payment, we provide ongoing monitoring for any updates or changes in tax laws that may affect the company.

Special Projects

We provide comprehensive support in managing and fulfilling your tax obligations, including, among other activities, the preparation of specialized reports on tax matters, VAT and Income Tax consultancy, Tax refund management, and Tax Due Diligence.

Tax Due Diligence

A detailed investigation of the financial and tax records of a company before a significant transaction. We identify hidden risks, tax liabilities, and other key aspects to understand your company’s tax situation. We assist investors in assessing tax risks and opportunities before making significant decisions.”

Tax Refunds

Our tax refund service focuses on helping you recover taxes through the management of refunds under Article 27 Bis and VAT for exporters.

Transfer Pricing Study

Our goal is to comprehensively assist the Company during the technical study of Transfer Pricing in accordance with the rules and regulations established by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), following the guidelines of the OECD, under international standards of the firm. With the purpose of fulfilling the tax obligation of filing Sworn Statement 1907.

How do you know if you are subject to Transfer Pricing?

Having transactions with individuals domiciled or residents in countries or territories considered tax havens or harmful preferential tax regimes by the OECD.

Taxpayers Classified in the Medium or Large Business Segment: Incomes over 15,000 UTM. Conducting operations with related parties abroad during the fiscal year.

Conducting transactions with related parties abroad for amounts exceeding $500,000,000 (or its equivalent in the exchange rate with both national and foreign currency)

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