Addval Consulting

Addval Consulting

Our Value Proposition

Imagen Consulting


Average savings implemented


Savings captured in different industries


RFx procurement processes led


Average reduction in process times


Improvement in adherence to standards


Strategy and Consulting

Our expertise is the best support for working with clients with comprehensive needs. We are experts because our team has successfully led Strategic Sourcing processes focused on reducing tangible costs in income statements, implemented process efficiency philosophies like LEAN Management, and developed multiple organizational structure transformations focusing on efficiency and effectiveness, both at the executive level and in consulting processes.


Closeness and Commitment to Results

We are a team of professionals with over fifteen years of experience in cost optimization, process improvements, and cultural and organizational transformations through best-in-class methodologies. We empathize with each client, understand their needs, and manage each project responsibly, closely, and effectively. Our focus and expertise enable us to achieve maximum savings potential in a permanent and sustainable manner.

Our Services

Strategic Sourcing

We develop a critical view of the procurement process with a world-class methodology that allows us to address a wide variety of spending categories, achieving significant efficiencies.

Process Improvement and Transformation

We are a team with extensive experience in implementing operational efficiency projects using the LEAN manufacturing methodology. Our improvements are simple and sustainable.

Performance HABIT®

Create a unique internal culture that spans all areas and processes of a company, achieving greater efficiency and productivity while offering an excellent experience for employees and customers.

Structure Optimization

We have the experience and methodologies to optimize the organizational structure of companies. We improve communication and interaction between work areas, defining clearer, simpler, and more efficient roles and responsibilities.

Mining-Oriented Consulting

We offer efficient and quantitative solutions for the mining industry, backed by 25 years of experience.

Some of our Clients​

Are you ready to start capturing efficiencies in your company?

Executive team Addval Consulting


Jorge Ihnen

Consulting Lead Partner
Commercial Engineer and Master in Industrial Engineering, PUC. Over 29 years of experience in operational processes. Former Vice President of Operations at LATAM Airlines.

Juan Enrique Guarda

Lead Partner in Sourcing
Industrial Civil Engineer, Universidad Diego Portales. Extensive experience in Process Improvement, Planning & Management Control, and Supply Chain. LEAN Manufacturing Consultant.

Lautaro Manríquez

Partner in Mining
Industrial Civil Engineer and MBA, Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez. Thirty years of experience in the mining industry, twenty of which were as general manager in various companies in the sector in Chile.

Andrés Encina

Partner in Mining
Chemical Civil Engineer, Universidad de Santiago de Chile. Over twenty years of experience in management and business development in the mining industry. Specialist in creating, managing, and growing new companies. General Manager and Country Manager of Chilean and foreign mining companies.

José Tomás Guzmán

Technology Lead Partner Sociologist
Pontifical Catholic University.   More than 15 years of experience in the development and management of technologies for the financial, health, automotive, mining, and creative sectors.  

María Inés Lagos

Procurement Manager
Journalist and Bachelor in Social Communication Sciences, UGM. Over 10 years of experience in negotiation, development, and implementation of efficiency plans in Chile and abroad.

Esteban Jiménez

Process Management Manager
Industrial Civil Engineer, Universidad Diego Portales. Former executive at LATAM Airlines, with fifteen years of experience in operational management and successful implementation of technological and efficiency projects.

Claudio Salas

Project Manager
Industrial Civil Engineer, Federico Santa María University. Nine years of experience in Supply Chain. Former inventory planning sub-manager at LATAM Airlines. Courses in Inventory and Materials Management in Germany.

Claudia Villa

Expert People Advisor
Psychologist from Pontifical Catholic University of Chile, specializing in HR. Twenty years of experience in the area of Organizational Development and Leadership Training in mining companies and multinational service companies. Former Director of Corporate Training at Codelco and Senior Training Manager at LATAM Airlines.

Constanza Zárate

Project Manager
Commercial Engineer and Master in Organizational Psychology, Adolfo Ibáñez University. Four years of experience in cost management and optimization of organizational structures in various industries.

Sebastián Cox

Senior Consultant
Mechanical Civil Engineer, Pontifical Catholic University. Comprehensive management of process efficiency projects, continuous improvement, and performance management at Addval Consulting.

Diego Fasani

Commercial Engineer with a degree in Economics and Master's in Finance, Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez. Experience in cost management, process efficiency, and continuous improvement.

Consulting News

Hardwiring Magic: The Walt Disney-inspired best practices methodology aimed at enhancing corporate culture in Chile.

Hardwiring Magic: The Walt Disney-inspired best practices methodology aimed at enhancing corporate culture … Read More

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The quest for efficiency in turbulent times

The quest for efficiency in turbulent times Technology, Processes, and People: the Holy … Read More

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Purchasing Teams: A Great Opportunity

Purchasing Teams: A Great Opportunity Many companies have had to face significant reductions … Read More

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