Generative AI Talk for Addval Partners – Addval Generative AI Talk for Addval Partners – Addval

Generative AI Talk for Addval Partners

On February 26th, José Tomás Guzmán, Technology Leader Partner at Addval, presented to the partners the state of the art of AI and its applications in specific business cases. The talk delved into how generative AI differs from optimization models, what tools we are adopting as a company, and the training and development plan for the technology area.

A series of interactive examples were presented, among which the most attractive to the audience were real-time financial statement analysis, setting up an agent to inquire into business processes, and another agent specialized in summarizing contracts.

The limitations of this technology were not excluded, particularly issues related to privacy of information, stability of service providers, and above all the need to train executives in the proper use of these tools. For these reasons, the Addval technology team is undergoing training to provide a secure, reliable, and stable service.

At the end of the presentation, there was a participatory roundtable among partners from different areas, where clear opportunities were identified to improve the Accounting Outsourcing, People Management, and Consulting services. With the exposure and participation of partners in each business, the applications begin to emerge towards improving productivity and customer experience in line with Addval’s strategic commitment to being a company that seeks efficiency and quality of service through the use of technology.

José Tomás Guzmán

Technology Leader Partner at Addval Sociologist from the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile. Over 10 years of experience in technology development and management for the financial, healthcare, automotive, mining, and creative sectors. Organizational consultant specialized in building high-performance teams and facilitating transformation projects.