Webinar: Impact of recent modifications to our tax legislation – Addval Webinar: Impact of recent modifications to our tax legislation – Addval

Webinar: Impact of recent modifications to our tax legislation

On Thursday, August 4th, Addval, together with the law firm Groetaers Gallegos & Co., held a webinar to explain to its clients the details of the tax reform presented by the Government, and its main implications in the business.

The event, entitled “Impact of recent modifications to our tax legislation,” was led by tax law expert Gastón Gallegos Loyola, founding partner of the Groetaers Gallegos & Co. law firm, along with Addval’s tax manager, Erick Kessler.

The presentation covered various topics, such as corporate taxation, individual taxation, anti-evasion and avoidance measures, international taxation, the scenario for SMEs, changes in real estate matters, instruments and funds, VAT on digital services, and mining royalties.

Following the presentation, aimed at finance managers, tax managers, attorneys, among others, a question and answer session was held to conclude the event.

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Erick Kessler

Tax expert with advanced studies in Tax Reform and Judicial Expertise. Over 10 years of experience in accounting outsourcing, Due Diligence, tax audits, and tax compliance for companies in various industries, such as investment firms, real estate, technological development, automotive, among others. Degree in Public Accounting, Central University of Chile. Diploma in Tax Management, Thomson Reuters Additional Tax and Agreements to Avoid Double Taxation, Thomson Reuters.