We are in Ukraine. We are with Ukraine. – Addval We are in Ukraine. We are with Ukraine. – Addval


We are in Ukraine. We stand with Ukraine.

Dear Community,

Today we do not want to talk about business.

Russell Bedford, our associates around the world, are in Ukraine. And the people of that wonderful country are suffering. Very badly.

Today, we want to share with you a human note that Dmytro Tkachenko, CEO of the company in Kiev, sent to us.

Guillermo Ureta L.




I want to start this message with words of gratitude. Thank you very much for the support from all over the world!

This is a real war; there is no other word to define it. It began on February 24 at 4 a.m. with a bombing in Kiev. Life changed and will never be the same again.

Although many have offered to relocate us to their countries, the entire team decided to stay in Ukraine because each of us is responsible for our families.

We have found safe places, and the team is working completely online.

Personally, I am currently in Kiev. Yes, it is dangerous. Yes, there are between 3 to 8 bombings per day. The sound of the siren has become the melody of each day. It is difficult to confirm if there is accurate information in your countries about the number of deaths, but believe me, it is very high based on real stories I know. We are experiencing a humanitarian catastrophe in the country. Cities are destroyed, civilians are killed, and more than 3 million people have fled with just the clothes on their backs… and that number increases every day.

I feel responsible for my country and my people, my team, and my family.

Although in 2015 I created a charity foundation focused on children’s institutions, given the current situation, I decided to redirect the foundation to humanitarian aid. Our team set up logistics lines for the distribution of goods. But there is also a great need for accounting support in this humanitarian effort, and it is with all our professional ability that we can cooperate. I am proud that Russell Bedford Ukraine is providing this strong support to the country, along with the humanitarian aid we can give.

I would appreciate it if you could support us in any way that is most convenient for you. If you or your clients are interested in supporting Ukraine, feel free to share my personal contact. We have heard of cases where companies are willing to collaborate but cannot find a verified contact or organization.

Together we are a family.

You can find more information about our activity at: http://rayofhope.com.ua/

Thank you very much!

Dmytro Tkachenko

Chief Executive Officer

Russell Bedford

Україна (UCRANIA)

Guillermo Ureta L.

Auditor Accountant, Duoc UC Professional Institute. Diploma in Negotiation, Adolfo Ibáñez University. Over 20 years of experience in outsourcing administrative and financial back-office services. He has held important executive positions in export and service companies. He currently represents foreign investment companies.