Growing digitally does not mean achieving digital maturity; it is part of the process to reach this goal. To achieve it, it is essential not to fear the new, not to risk being avant-garde with a new technology, and, above all, to avoid incurring more expenses than planned due to the adaptation process.
According to the 2021 Virtus Digital Maturity Index (IMDV) from the consulting firm Virtus Partners, Chilean organizations increased from 51.4% to 57.4% in this aspect between 2020 and 2021. However, for many, it remains a significant challenge considering that several sectors have a significantly lagging technological base.
“In the face of uncertainty, there is only one certainty: technology will continue to change the way we live, and to keep up with this pace, it is important for companies to focus on digital maturity. A digital company is one that has an integral vision, with service models incorporating technology from its strategy to the customer experience. To achieve this, we must review personal capabilities, operations, and partnerships,” said José Tomás Guzmán, Lead Partner of the Connect area at Addval.
The expert from Addval, a consulting firm specializing in comprehensive advisory services, provided five recommendations to understand and increase digital maturity in a company:
1.- Differentiate between growth and digital maturity: Growth is merely a state achieved on the path to digital maturity; however, this is only part of the process. Digital maturity involves the application, integration, and implementation of digital trends in all aspects of the organization.
2.-Discard the fear of the new: Both growth and digital maturity are opportunities for innovation, improvement, and business expansion. Indeed, they always come with risks, especially considering that the digital ecosystem is dynamic and ever-changing, with models becoming obsolete within months. However, while the challenges are significant, so are the opportunities.
3.-Leverage existing technological potential: It is essential to lower expectations when facing digitalization. The goal is not to invent new technologies but to harness the potential that already exists. The integration of technology, in any of its aspects, has allowed the knowledge provided by each area to become a higher volume and value asset, thus requiring proper management.
4.-Execute the digital transition with the lowest possible cost: Change should not be an obstacle to the growth the company is experiencing. From technology investment to training policies, the entire process should aim for minimal resource loss, making proper planning of movements essential.
5.-Consider the human dimension of new technologies: Digitalization transforms our environment and the arrangement of teams, but it is each individual’s responsibility to chart their own course and make the best decision to take advantage of its benefits and minimize its risks.